Pippa Tee
Plants, Willow, Courses, Garden Advice and Design, Horticultural services.
Powys, Mid-Wales
This is the home for all things horticultural, organic, sustainable on a stunningly beautiful - if wild - site in Powys!
We're into the cold, often wet or snowy, months - some great sunrises amidst the days of gales and whiteouts. Tanyfron is above the snowline so we have our own weather systems up here!
A time to cuddle the dogs in front of the woodburner, reflect on the past year, start planning for the New Year.
The willow courses have been numerous with much cake and biscuit consumed as well as a positive sea of willow items produced. As always, it is a pleasure to meet so many like minds.
The courses start again in March so get in touch amd join the fun!
I always have random plants for sale - they are no longer my main focus, but it's hard to stop growing... So if you're visiting, do have a look and see what is on offer.
Looking forward to more meetings with new people - and old friends - and sharing the wonders of the natural world!
I post allsorts of 'shorts' on the facebook page about various horticultural topics and for a more in depth look, check out ''Stringbean theory; How Stuff Grows" - click on the link on the top bar - which I promise to update whenever I get time...
We're doing composts at present!
The email stays the same as does the mobile number and facebook page, so please feel free to get in touch!
F/b page pippasplants
07517 142685
All the best
Intermediate willow weaving now available!